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This Number 1 Surgical Robotics blog is for everyone - no matter which company you are in. It's for industry, investors, surgeons, clinicians, founders and more
It's to help the entire field of medtech to know more

Steve Bell
Jun 13, 20244 min read
Breaking news: SSii launches Mantra 3 - 3rd generation modular surgical robot
Mantra 3 by SSii is potentially the most advanced modular surgical soft tissue robot on the market today

Steve Bell
Jun 12, 20241 min read
Pre SRS walk and talk about surgical robotics
Morning walk with thoughts on the surgical robotics landscape pre SRS

Steve Bell
Jun 10, 202418 min read
So what’s going to happen now to the competing soft tissue surgical robotics companies?
Intuitive rule the roost - so what will happen now to all the other soft tissue robotics companies?

Steve Bell
May 31, 202416 min read
What does a healthy surgical robotics company look like - and what does a struggling one look like?
You really need to know which surgical robotics companies are healthy and which are sick

Steve Bell
May 29, 202414 min read
Why does da Vinci 5 change things so much?
I'm not sure if everyone is fully up to speed on why Intuitives da Vinci 5 changes the game in surgical robotics. And beyond that, why it...

Steve Bell
May 27, 202414 min read
Please stop saying we are only 3% penetrated in soft tissue surgical robotics - these are the numbers to care about.
If you still believe we are only 3% penetrated in soft tissue surgical robotics - time to think again

Steve Bell
May 21, 20247 min read
Common reasons MedTech Startups struggle and fail
90% of startups fail and over 75% of medtech startups fail. That's a sad yet not surprising number. There are several reasons that this...

Steve Bell
May 20, 202416 min read
The Great Surgical Robotics Roundup
Has it already started? What is it? The future is extremely clear to me. Soft tissue surgical robotics has one super dominant player -...

Steve Bell
May 17, 20241 min read
The ten year drought in robotics could hit many companies
If strategic companies in medtech miss this round of robots - they could be in a. ten year drought.

Steve Bell
May 15, 20244 min read
When does your surgical robot end up in a dumpster ❓
The nightmare for all soft tissue surgical robotics company is inactive systems that are sent back, sit in the corner or go to a dumpster

Steve Bell
May 8, 202413 min read
Force Feedback / Haptics in surgical robotics
Find out more about the meaning of force feedback instruments and haptics in soft tissue surgical robotics

Steve Bell
May 1, 20246 min read
Stop faking it to rip off MedTech startups
Too many incubators or events - or services - or experts are faking it to rip off medtech startups. It needs to stop

Steve Bell
Apr 30, 20241 min read
Distalmotion and Dexter (The soft tissue surgical robot) with CEO Greg Roche
I had the chance to sit with the CEO of Distalmotion - Greg Roche - and discuss the changing face of surgical robotics. We discuss the...

Steve Bell
Apr 24, 202415 min read
Strategies to sell against Intuitive's amazing da Vinci 5
I'm going to start by prefacing this post with a disclaimer. I love the da Vinci 5 - I think Intuitive has stepped up to the challenge of...

Steve Bell
Apr 23, 20241 min read
The future of MedTech Commercialisation
Delighted to sit and talk with one of the commercialisation masters of MedTech Omar M. Khateeb (Check his linked in Bio for more...

Steve Bell
Apr 22, 20246 min read
100 academic medical centers' top 10 operational priorities
100 academic medical centres have a top 10n operational priorities. Design your products and services to match these needs

Steve Bell
Apr 18, 20247 min read
The three most important basic rules for startup pitches.
Jasper Ettema gives an overview of pitching for innovators and entrepreneurs in start ups

Steve Bell
Apr 17, 20241 min read
What I think is currently wrong with the MedTech Industry
A brief morning walk as I ponder a question I was asked last week: "So what do you think is wrong with the medtech industry. Specifically...

Steve Bell
Apr 15, 20245 min read
The art of the Pitch
In my mind, no matter what you are doing - selling, , asking for money, asking a friend to do you a favour... in one form or another...

Steve Bell
Apr 11, 202414 min read
Strategies to sell against "Modular" Main frame robots
The second in my series of "Strategies to sell against": I now focus my attention on how - If I was selling a boom robot or a mini robot...
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