The second in my series of "Strategies to sell against": I now focus my attention on how - If I was selling a boom robot or a mini robot - I would sell against the modular main frames. That's Hugo, Senhance, Versius, SSI Mantra and Carina style robots
All good robots - don't get me wrong - but like all products there are Pros and Cons. And if I was out there today selling against them - these are some of the strategies I would use. Again - try not to bash the competition - it's never a great strategy - but I'd definitely be pumping my strengths which would highlight their weaknesses.

Complexity of set up
There are many advantages that come with modular robotics - I should know - I sold the most successful modular robot to date.
But If I was a "boomer" the one thing I would be pushing hard is - with a boom you get a much simpler set up. You dock the one single boom to one side or the other side of the table - "That's it." One position - one placement and one set up.